What is BidAndBuy.com all about ? What is the concept?

BidAndBuy.com is an unique online auction platform since 2025 that allows you to BID on branded products and gives you a change to WIN products at few rupees. It’s a kind of bargain deals and online shopping.

Who can participate in BidAndBuy's online auctions?

Any one above 18+ years of age can sign up and take premiumm membership and participate in BidAndBuy auctions. Users from outside india / abroad can also join BidAndBuy.com but they will have to pay additional shipping charges for International Shipping.

How does BidAndBuy auctions work?

Registered premium BidAndBuy users compete each other to win items. The price of the item starts at Rs.0/- and the auction clock starts counting down. Each time a bid is placed, the price of the item increases by a set amount and the auction clock's time gets reset. Once you place a bid, you’re in the lead until the auction clock runs out or someone else places a bid. When the auction clock reaches 00:00:00 and no more bids are received, the auction is over and the last person who bids wins the auction. winning price and winner's user ID is shown over that closed auction.

How can I start bidding on BidAndBuy auctions?

Getting started is very easy . First, create an account by clicking on the SIGN UP button on homepage, then, take any premium membership by clicking on the MEMBESRSHIP button. Finally, join an auction that is running live on ACTIVE DEALS page by clicking on the BID button. wait till timer reaches 0:0 if you are a last bidder and clock runs out, you are a winner!

Is it legal to offer such online auction service and to participate in them?

Yes, Absolutely. this is a new version of traditional offline auction Going 1- Going 2- SOLD. Online auctions are legal in India and we have to meet with all compliance requirements of RBI, various Banks and Payment Gateway service providers. Bidding online may be prohibited in some countries.

How long does a BidAndBuy auction last?

There is no pre-determined end time for auctions. An auction closes after the last person bids and /or the auction clock runs out. It also gets PAUSED if pre-defined auction hours for the day are runs out. It will resume on next day at pre-defined RESUME time.in case of any technical issues or server downtime an auction will go to PAUSED mode automatically.

Does each auction have the same clock reset time?

No, depending on the auction, there will be a reset time of 10 seconds to 60 minutes. You can check this clock reset time around any running live auction. During any running auction, clock reset timing can be reduced if too many bidders are participating on same auction. This is the real fun of bidding.

Does each BID have the same price increment?

No, depending on the MRP of the product, there will be a price increment of 1 INR to 100 INR per bid. you can check this rate of price increment around any running auction. Costly products will have higher price increment and vice versa.

What type of products does BidAndBuy put here for auctions?

Smart phones, regular phones & mobile accessories, Laptops, Notebooks, Tablets, Desktops, iPods, Music system, LED/LCD Tvs, Fashion brands and personal accessories, Sports items, Home Appliances, Gift vouchers, Holiday vouchers, Discount coupons, BidAndBuy Credit packages and everything else whatever latest trends in India and most wanted by youngsters.

Are all products brand new, original, with original bill and warranty?

Absolutely Yes, All products at BidAndBuy are 100% brand new, original, unused, seal pack, with GST paid bill and manufacturer warranty. Products will be shipped by our 3rd party vendors and we will monitor the entire delivery process.

Can I open more than one account on BidAndBuy?

Yes. You can create multiple account with different mobile number

Is there any winning limit? Can I participate and win unlimited auctions?

There is no limits at BidAndBuy. you can participate in unlimited auctions and also you can win unlimited products. There is no such limitations like other bidding websites

I just won an auction, what to do now?

Go to MY ACCOUNT/WIN HISTORY section and complete payment of your final due amount by clicking MAKE PAYMENT link.once your payment is confirmed, we will arrange shipment of your product. you need to ensure that your shipping address and contact details are correctly updated in your MY ACCOUNT section

Are BidAndBuy employees allowed to place bids?

No, BidAndBuy’s employees, Web developers, any person engaged directly or indirectly in BidAndBuy’s business process are strictly forbidden to bid on the auctions.

What is prohibited while bidding at BidAndBuy.com?

Below activities are strictly prohibited and it will be treated as violation of our terms and conditions

  • Using any third party bidding software/tools/scripts to place automatic bids, or to operate your account using such methods
  • Accessing an user account from different workstations or devices and placing BIDS using different devices at a same time during an auction

What are the payment methods to buy bid credits or to make payments for the products?

We use RBI approved payment gateways like - CCAvenue, Oxigen & Paypal. It supports Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Wallets, Paytm, UPI, Net Banking, Cash Cards & EMI options. You may also make payment in to our bank account. contact our billing team on billing {at} BidAndBuy {dot} com for any assistance with the payments.

My question is not listed here and I need further clarifications

We are open minded, just contact us by filling up quick contact form on our Contact us page, we will get back to you soon with clarifications.
